About This Station
As of 7/15/2024 The KA5ZCI Weather stations data stream is provided by a Peet Brothers Ultimeter 2100 weather station located in the River Forest Subdivision of Laplace. From 2010-2024 a Lacrosse 2315 Weather Station served us well but was becoming increasingly difficult to source replacement hardware for its life. Data is now collected twice per second and updates are posted to the website every 60 seconds. The weather data is collected using Weather Display Software. The station hardware is comprised of an anemometer, rain gauge, thermo-hygrometer and multiple "OneWire" Temperature Sensors. All of the Sensor locations have been optimized to achieve the highest accuracy possible for my particular environment. Data feeds are contributed to CWOP and Weather Underground several times per hour for comparative analysis and accuracy checks.
We have made our home in Laplace for over 38 years and KLALAPLA2 is the oldest "active" Weather Underground PWS site in Laplace. It has been in "near continuous" operation since 2010 excluding the occasional Power and/or Internet Provider Outages. The lake/river gauge nearest to River Forest is located at the I-10 crossover by the Bonne Carre Spillway. It's current level can be checked on the NWS Forecast/River Stages tab on the Main Page and is the top entry (BCFL1). As a point of historical reference, we usually begin to see ponding water in the 300 Blocks of Devon and Somerset when the Lake hits about 4.8 Feet driven by Easterly Winds. This is primarily nuisance street flooding that is normally not known to enter homes though the majority of the streets in the rear of the subdivision are inundated. A sad fact, is that we use the standing water level in the storm drains to gauge the level of water in the surrounding marsh to which River Forest drains.
Bob Hassell-KA5ZCI
About This City
LaPlace, (population 32,134 2010 Census) is located West of New Orleans approximately at the junctions of I-55 and US 61. It was settled as a farming village in the 18th century during the French colonial era. Laplace was named after Basile Laplace a French Pharmacist. The city's former railroad station was established in 1883.
LaPlace was the birthplace of early jazz musicians Kid Ory and Wellman Braud.
LaPlace has been designated the "Andouille Capital of the World", and the Andouille Festival is held annually in October.
About This Website
This site is a template design by CarterLake.org with PHP conversion by Saratoga-Weather.org.
Special thanks go to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and his design for the common website PHP management.
Special thanks to Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator, Theme Switcher and CSS styling help with these templates.
Special thanks go to Ken True of Saratoga-Weather.org for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.
Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.
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